Thursday, July 7, 2011

5:58 AM / 0 comments


05. Shin Yoong
She did very well. She explained everything in detail and even put pictures in. Her blog is nice decorated too, with ample imformation about herself. However her answer is too "wordy" maybe she can summarise her answer and highlight the main point to shorten her answer.

06. Ei Ei
Her blog is very nice looking. She did very well to decorate her blog. All answers is answered clearly and neatly. She even took the effort to highlight the main point, good job on that. She also took pictures of her work and post it on her blog, her effort deserved to be praise. Overall, she did very well.

38. Jun Wei
Interesting blog for chemistry, "FLYWITHYOUUU CHEMISTRY BLOG." All question is answered very well. Maybe you could change the blogskin, because it is a bit silly looking but overall is okay. And good job with the answers.